Walking the GREEN walk

4:28 AM / Posted by jvsweet /

The documentary ‘Go Further” was a real eye opener to our ways of consumption .The movie literally revealed how misinformed the Americans were regarding the condition of the environment. The movie did challenge my current ways of living. Although families have tried to live sustainable lifestyles, it is just not enough from Woody Harrelson’s perspective.

I could compare Woody Harrelson’s lifestyle to that of a modern day ascetic. In today’s society, where every possible luxury is at our disposal, to live a life of abandonment of those luxuries is a form of abstinence. Some of Woody’s ways were remarkable, especially his choice of hemp oil for running his bus. Some choices, like going vegetarian and organic, seemed less feasible. I admire Woody’s attempt to bring change in America, a state of strong corporate dominion.

From this movie, I have realized that our lives are definitely dominated by major corporations. Our choices of food and clothing are associated with brand names. I feel that this desire for brand names has isolated us from the truth of several ethic issues like that of the environment and human rights. This documentary revealed to me the sustainability of a simple lifestyle. Simplicity is an easy call to make a hard decision to follow. I still feel that the government isn’t working hard enough to spread awareness. The lack of information on the ecological crisis is isolating the community from the brutal truth of their effect on the environment. Even today, the ecological crisis is underrated and considered less significant that the current economic crisis and poverty.

I feel our efforts to protect the environment should go further that recycling. Saving water and electrical energy would be an important incorporation, which I can personally implement. I can reduce my consumption of fast food and turn to more local produce, these changes, though simple in nature, are still significant. Although I cannot guarantee radical changes world wide, local awareness would be a great way to start.

Here again, we are at crossroads for making tough decisions. We have our comforts but at the same time we have a responsibility. Our decision is extremely vital in a global scenario.


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